Civil Engineering
Civil engineering - teaching and research. We supply teaching equipment for hydraulic engineering plants, structural design, geotechnics and environmental engineering.
Our teaching systems for civil engineering convey the basics for the sustainable and future-oriented design of our living spaces. Practice-oriented experiments and equipment for research in hydraulic engineering create impart the knowledge for the construction of buildings with a long service life and a long service life at maximum economic efficiency.

ArmfieldCivil Engineering Link opens website of ArmfieldArmfield offers a complete and modern educational laboratory for civile engineering through th..
Amfield Teaching and Research Flumes Armfield has been designing and supplying a wide range of teaching and reserach flumes and open channel facilitie..
ArmfieldCAPTURE Fluid Machines FM Link opens website of ArmfieldThe Armfield CAPTURE range is a unique range of small-scale teaching equipment, design..
ArmfieldFluid Mechanics F/C/NA HD Video Download Link opens website of ArmfieldThe Armfield Hydraulics Bench F1-10 and accessories have long ..
ArmfieldHeat Transfer HT Link opens website of ArmfieldTwo pieces of laboratory teaching equipment developed by Armfield in collaboration with th..
ArmfieldStatics & Vibrations SV Link to the website of ArmfieldStatics & Vibrations from Armfield Didactec Sanderson introduces students ..