Mechanisms-Statics-Structures - Teaching systems in mechanical engineering for mechanisms, machine theory, statics, vibrations and strength theory.
The experiments for practical courses in the laboratory illustrate the theory of machine elements and mechanisms in a simple way and deepen the understanding for it.

ArmfieldMechanical & Automotive MechanismsTheory of Machines MAM Link to the website of Armfield The Armfield Didactec Sanderson Mechanical ..
ArmfieldStatics & Vibrations SV Link to the website of ArmfieldStatics & Vibrations from Armfield Didactec Sanderson introduces students ..
Mechanisms (HME) Link opens website of P.A. HiltonThe MECHANISMS range enables clear and comprehensive learning of a wide and diverse range of MECHANI..
Strength of Materials (HSM) Link opens website of P.A. Hilton The STRENGTH of MATERIALS range enables clear and comprehensive learning of Materials a..
Structures (HST) Link opens website of P.A. Hilton The STRUCTURES range enables clear and comprehensive learning of structural STATICS covering a var..
Magnus (HPM) Link opens website of P.A. Hilton The Universal Testing Machine MAGNUS enables clear and comprehensive learning of stress, str..